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Yoga Posture Adjustments and Hands-On Assisting for Teachers
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How to Proceed
Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting Books (EN, SP) (pdf) & Intro Hands-On Tips
Audio Touch and Introduction to Hands-On Yoga Assisting
Audio Touching Beginner Students, Asking for their Feedback
El libro en espaƱol (pdf) Las Posturas de Yoga: El Arte de Ajustar y Asistir
Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting Book pdf
TIPS: Handouts Yoga Posture Adjustments and Hands-On Assisting pdfs
Yoga Adjustments List: Favorites of Students and Teachers!
Tips and Ideas for Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting
For the Yoga Teacher during Adjusting & Assisting: Body Mechanics, Breath, Leverage & Leaning
Body Mechanics and Postures for Safe Adjusting and Assisting (6:05)
Using Body Weight for Applying Pressure: Leaning and Leverage (5:50)
Breath During Yoga Adjusting and Assisting (3:38)
Standing Yoga Pose Adjustments and Assisting
Mountain Pose Assisting - Beginner (3:10)
Standing Forward Fold Body Sandwich Assist - Intermediate/Advanced (1:53)
Half Moon Two Assist - Intermediate (0:56)
Standing Forward Fold Assist Beginner (1:34)
Warrior One Pose Assist (1:44)
Warrior 2 Arms and Active Leg Assisting (1:55)
Triangle Pose Assist (3:09)
Dancer Pose Assist (1:28)
Half Moon 1 Pose Assist (2:30)
Revolving Triangle Pose Assist (2:14)
Yoga Mudra Chest Expander (2:56)
Yoga Mudra Chest Expander with Yoga Strap (3:03)
Warrior 2 Pelvis/Hips (1:55)
Other Leg and Hip Yoga Pose Assisting (e.g. Downward Facing Dog, and more)
Downward Facing Dog Variations- Assisting People in Class; Beginner/Intermediate (2:16)
Knee to Chest - Wind Relieving Pose (1:44)
Seated Folding Poses Assisting
Seated Forward Fold Assists with Props (3:37)
Deeper Forward Fold for more Flexible Students (3:58)
Star/Bound Angle Fold (3:04)
Other Assisting - Floor Poses for Hips (Child's, Beginning Pigeon)
Child's Pose Assisting (from behind) (2:25)
Child's Pose Assisting (from front) (2:44)
Pigeon Pose Assist for Hips (3:25)
Pigeon Pose Assist (Diagonal Stretch) (2:15)
Demonstration Assisting in Yoga Class
Pigeon Pose Leg Traction Assisting in Class (2:44)
Twisting Yoga Pose Assisting
Reclined Supine Spinal Twist Assist - All Levels (3:03)
Seated Twist Deeper Variation (3:35)
Seated Twist Beginner Variations (1:40)
Backbending Prone Yoga Pose Assisting
Bow Pose Assist (2:06)
Cobra Pose Assist (2:40)
Snake Pose (Cobra Variation) (3:24)
Backbending Supine Yoga Pose Assisting
Fish Pose Assist Basic Variation (1:45)
Wheel Lift (2:09)
Inversions Yoga Pose Assisting
Plaw Pose for Beginners (1:56)
Plow Pose Lengthen Back (1:44)
Shoulder Stand Lift Up (2:05)
Final Relaxation & Corpse Pose Assisting
Corpse Pose Assisting (3:58)
Assisting Flowing Sun Salutations and Vinyasa
Video Demonstrating of Assisting a Sun Saluation - Level Intermediate/Advanced (4:23)
Videos en EspaƱol/Spanish Videos
El Guerrero 2 Espanol (1:36)
La Rodilla Hacia El Pecho (1:32)
Plow Pose Lengthen Back
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